There are no ends to the advantages of patio covering. In addition to helping you re-energize your outdoor lifestyles, we share some more advantages with you. Many of the fence suppliers of Idaho say that patio cover is ideal for maintaining your outdoor furniture. They Help in Keeping the Inside Cool Solar energy conservation reduction is the greatest award in the construction of patio coverings. They serve as the principal protection barrier for your home against sunlight, which increases your indoor temperature when absorbed. As the first structure to reach the sun, it effectively eliminates heat from your house and UV light. In addition to shielding your furniture from exposure to sunlight, your new patio cover is effectively a secondary heat shield. 72% of solar heat can be mirrored by Low-E4 SmartSunTM window glass, and strong patio covers can further limit infrared light transmission. Watch your cooling expenses go down by denying the entry of solar heat...